Earlier in the year we received a call about a pair of sick peach trees in Shreveport in the Broadmoor area. The couple loved the trees but the trees were in failing health with sparse leaves. They called us in to evaluate and come up with a treatment plan for their peach trees. We treated the trees in the Spring. They called us back last week for an update.
Look how wonderful they are doing! Full of life and vigor. Another happy customer.
There are different ways to apply fertilizer to trees. We evaluate each tree and determine the best method for that individual tree. For this tree in Shreveport, Louisiana it was determined to inject straight into the cambial layer ensuring that this tree received the proper dose of fertilizer. We use the Arborsystems Wedgle Direct-Inject system. This method of application is pet friendly since there isn't any spraying and it's less invasive for the tree as there isn't drilling involved.
Broadmoor has recently been in the news in regards to SWEPCO coming in and "Butchering" their trees.
We have a product that helps feed trees and encourages root growth as well as diminishes crown growth. This slows down the need for pruning. One application can last for over two years. This is a huge benefit for trees near power lines or those that need to be pruned on a frequent basis.This product also minimizes stress due to infections.
Treatment results in an improved root to shoot ratio. The enhanced root development dramatically results in increased drought tolerance and increased nutrient uptake, which produces a darker green and healthier tree.
We can pre or post treat trees with this product. So it's not too late if the line clearing company has already cut your trees.
Call to find out more information. 318.455.4758
Originally from Asia, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive metallic green beetle that causes major harm. It was first discovered in Michigan in 2002 and likely made its entrance into the US via wooden crates holding products from Asia. Since 2002, EAB has spread to 20 states and killed tens of millions of trees throughout the US. Yes, you read that right – tens of millions of trees are gone because of EAB. This pest feeds on the transportation tissue of ash trees, which causes death by preventing the ash tree from absorbing water and nutrients. Unfortunately, EAB has no natural predators here in the US.
The good news is that we can help save your ash trees. We offer a highly effective treatment for EAB using an organic compound applied directly into the trunk of the tree. It can be applied after the pest has attacked, but it is most effective when applied before an attack. If you have ash trees on your property, now is the time to start thinking about preventative treatments.

Contact us today for more information about this treatment.
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